Thursday, June 13, 2013

5 E's Lesson

Engage: I will demonstrate Math Dance moves. I can have a few students come up and I will have them do some of the moves. This engages them because it looks ridiculous and is funny.
Explore: Students come up with their own Math Dance Moves. They discover ways they can get their body to look like math. They collaborate with other students to come up with group moves or discover what other students have done.
Explain: Students come up and tell the class why they chose their move and what math concept it represents.
Elaborate: Students work in groups to try and make mathematical sense of the different moves. They can make an equation with their moves, etc. They are working together to try and fit all of their ideas together. They can present their moves to the class.
Evaluate: Students fill out an exit sheet at the end asking them if they liked the idea their group came up with. The exit slip will also ask them to come up with one more way they could have put the moves together. I will ask them if they enjoyed the activity, and what they felt they've learned from doing it.

1 comment:

  1. Becky, thanks for sharing your blog with me. You have alot of helpful study material on it.
