For a specific topic in your content area, explain how you would differentiate instruction for readiness. Ideas may include the use of grouping, different levels of scaffolding, intervention/enrichment, and/or the use of technology.
Unit Circle Integrative lesson: In the lesson, the students are given data that they need to analyze and find patterns. This is a discovery lesson where students are learning information from the data given. I would provide them half of a unit circle and have them look at similarities and differences. Every student will have something they could contribute. For the students that are more advanced, I could have them think about more complex connections.
Spaghetti Graphs: In this lesson they are making a sine graph from the unit circle out of spaghetti. I will model every step and the so all students will have the same chance for success. While they are doing the steps, I will also be available for questions. I will also have them working in pairs or small groups so they will have someone else to figure things out with them.
If I can, I plan on heavily using the smart board. With the Math Tools software, I can create math diagrams and use graphs. I will be saving each screen as we go, and all the examples. I feel it's more important to try and focus on the concepts rather than madly taking notes. I will provide the screens digitally with the students so they don't have to take notes. This will help kids with readiness because they can spend as much of their energy as possible on the lesson.
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