Friday, May 24, 2013

Vygotsky Study Guide

  • Consider the role of culture and internalization in learning and development. 
  • Explain the role of the More Knowledgeable Other. 
  • Recognize the Zone of Proximal Development and consider ways to scaffold learning. 
Key Terms: 
Pages 58-66, 69-71 

Sociocultural theory – How society and culture influences our thought. Parents should help develop children through cooperative dialogues between their friends and older people. Children will learn how to behave through these interactions. 

Internalization – When someone internalizes a cultural thing... making it their thing too. 

Co-constructed – Social interactions when people create understandings to solve problems. Product is shaped by all participants. 

Cultural tools – Actual tools like computers, language, etc. that people use to communicate, think, solve problems, and create knowledge. 

Private Speech (Self-talk and Inner speech) – When you are speaking to yourself in a self regulation way. You can do this often times through writing, and journals. Gives people time to think about what they've learned. 

Zone of proximal development (ZPD) – Phase where the child can best master task with the appropriate help and support. They can't do it solely on their own, but need a little help. Some kids develop learned helplessness. As a teacher, we need to make sure we're giving the right assistance so our students can be in their ZPD. 

Scaffolding – Support for students while in their ZPD. We give them aids and helps until they are able to do something on their own. 

Funds of knowledge – Knowledge people have learned in the real world through family and community. This knowledge can be a basis for teaching. 

Summary: The biggest things I learned from this section were related to ZPD. I need to be making sure my students are able to do my assignments, but not so much so they are bored. I also liked learning about how culture can effect the way your brain is developed. In raising my kids, it makes me interested in implementing some aspects of Asian culture. I like how much they value family as their own and other things. As a future teacher, it is a little overwhelming the amount of things a teacher needs to be thinking of.

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