Sunday, May 19, 2013

Motivating My Students

I can do this by:

  • Having students think about what they want to get out of the class, and have them create performance goals based on what their purpose is.
  • Talk about growth mindset, and let the students know the resources they have to accomplish everything needed in the class.
  • Have a lesson on Self-Determination theory. Have the students evaluate the kinds of activities they are already self-determined in. Have them think about Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness. Then, have the students report how these 3 have been present in the self-determined activity. Have the students work in groups to come up with ways to have those same ideas relate to math, and have them present them to the class. Have the class vote on a few of their favorites that I will implement in the class. This activity will help them feel a bigger part of the learning experience and community along with allowing you better access to their motivation.
  • Encourage an atmosphere of learning. Don't focus on a students points or grades.
  • Lead by example. I will show them my excitement about learning, either when I was in school, or the things I am learning now.


  • I believe you still need to have some form of extrinsic motivation factor for students who are less intrinsically motivated. During the year, you should continue trying to develop intrinsic motivation with all students.
  • Class competitions
  • Feedback when they do a great job or are improving. Lots of feedback, all the time!
  • Occasional reward system pushes. These will be some self invented program that lasts just a short period like maybe a week or two.

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